Sunday, June 3, 2012

The New catalog unveiled!

Well, I had a busy weekend.  Work was crazy on Saturday and I had to stay over to work a double shift.  Whew!  I'm glad the weekend is done... most people don't say that.  Now I'm on my own.  My husband is out of town all week working and I'm home alone with the kids.  They will be busy because baseball starts this week.  My Grandma is coming to help me out this week and next week so it will be fun when she arrives on Tuesday.

I'm having some technical difficulties getting my link to work for the catalog on my sidebar so if you would like to view the NEW catalog in PDF you can click here.

If you are interested in hosting a party so you can earn some of the fabulous new items you can contact me!  We can do an in-home party or a book party.  PLUS Stampin' Up! is doing a promotion for hostesses for the months of June & July!!!  You can earn up to $115 in free product.  Let me know if you want more details.

I hope you have fun looking at the new catalog.  I hope to get the rest of my local customer catalogs out this week.  Everyone who lives out of town and has ordered from me in the last year should have received your catalog by now.

Hopefully everyone can enjoy the rest of their Sunday evenings before the work week starts for most of you!


  1. Meg and Laura say thank you for the new catalog

  2. Tiffy, on my way to GF tomorrow and have my new catalog with me. Planning on looking at it during the evening, since I will be there for 4 days. Hope to get an order in soon.
